Programme  Magic Empire  -  Cover of the version of Purplehills


- Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista/7
- Linux with wine

- 64 MB RAM
- Graphiccard with 16 MB RAM
  (32 MB recommended)
- Direct X 8.1 or higher
- Athlon or Pentium processor 700 MHz
  (1000 MHz recommended)
- CD-ROM drive 4-times
  (24-times recommended)
- DirectX-compatible Soundcard
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- 252 MB on the harddisk
Description for Magic Empire:

Magic Empire is a round and strategy play for 1-4 players.

There are six play goals and different degrees of difficulty.
- become owners of five cities
- become owners of nine cities
- become owners of all cities
- gaining it a fortune of 2 million Dukaten
- gaining it a fortune of 10 million Dukaten
- become the richest dealer in the Magic Empire and you gain you 100 million Dukaten
In all cases you must acquire and manage country as much as possible. The produced commodity must be sold profitably. In addition it must be brought with the ship to the dealer fleet.
But pay attention against pirates and equip your ships with cannons.
Educate an army to protect your country before encroachment and extend your realm.
Winner is the player, who achieved first the given goal.
The computer-controlled players cannot win, even if they reached first the play goal.

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Screenshots from Magic Empire

City menu of Bromorio:
from here all menus are attainable

me3 City menu of Ataria:
only here you find the famous magician guild

me4 me5
Travel menu:
here destination and means of transportation can be choosed.
One can specify the destination also on the map..

me6 me7
In the pub one meets many helpful contemporaries.. The soldiers in the camp protect the lands.

me8 me9
A manager carries helpful services out. A magician is an indispensable reinforcement for each castle.

me10 It comes to the sea-fight if a pirate ship attacks. me11

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