Programme  Ocean City Nemesis -  Cover of the retail version of Purplehills


- Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista/7

- 128 MB RAM
  (recommended 256 MB RAM)
- Graphiccard with 32 MB RAM
  (64 MB recommended)
- Direct X 8.1 or higher
- Athlon or Pentium processor 800 MHz
  (1400 MHz recommended)
- CD-ROM drive 4-times
  (24-times recommended)
- DirectX-compatible Soundcard
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- 231 MB on the harddisk
Description for Ocean City Nemesis:

In this 3D role play game - action - adventure you slip into the role of the agent Darcy, which works for the Ocean City health authority (short OCGB).
Take over orders of most diverse persons and collect you by completion of these points of experience. With these points of experience you can improve the characteristics of its Agentin Darcy.
A further possibility your character to improve is the installation of implants.
The moreover the weapons can be modified with different modules. So knows for example the magazine size, the firing range, which reloading time or the firing frequency is affected.
The correct tactical procedure and the structure of the characteristics of Darcy decide on your success with the release of the orders.
Some missions are optionally (thus voluntarily) the others must be fulfilled over in the action to get ahead. The orders are characterized accordingly in the order overview.
Some orders will demand everything from you and will place you before so some mystery. By simple "shot away" you do not get ahead.
Many persons cannot be shot at all. Should you try it nevertheless a red diagonal bar appear in the hair cross.
Since the play linear does not run you can decide which task you next to solve and how it thereby to proceed.
Place yourselves to the challenge!

This is the last part of the Ocean City Saga and the agent Darcy.

for free download of Ocean City Nemesis

Screenshots from Ocean City Nemesis

That is Darcy ocn2

ocn3 ocn4
OCGB backyard Ron Silvers dwelling

ocn5 ocn8
In the church is ... With the Doc one can be able to be inserted implants.

ocn6 ocn7
Here is ... eastern bazaar


Watches out otherwise becomes one over-drives here. The window blind in the Filmstudio works genuinly ...

ocn11 ocn12
... is however only mockup At night the roads are empty

The city is large ... ocn13 ... and one can itself ... ocn14

ocn15 ocn16
fast run No, that is not Darcy's house

ocn17 Skyscraper - here none wants to live

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