

- Windows 95/98/ME/XP

- 16 MB RAM
- Graphiccard with 2 MB RAM
- Direct X 5.0 or higher
- Athlon or Pentium processor 90 MHz
 (recommended 166 MHz)
- CD-ROM drive 4-times
  (recommended 24-times)
- DirectX-compatible Soundcard
- Keyboard
- Mouse
- 590 MB on the harddisk
Description for Die schwarzen Reiter:

In this role play game adventures you steer a party with up to 4 members.

The child of the king was kidnapped by the black riders and it is your task it bring it back again.
But without a well trained party you do not have a chance to come far in these hostile times, therefore you should collect something combat experience only once in free nature.
Visit in the cities the tavern to rest and the dealers, in order to sell redundant articles and to buy a better equipment.
Use the churches around to let your characters heal.
Accept orders to earn money and get important articles, which are essential for the further play process.
The money is needed urgently for a better equipment, the magic drinks and the membership in a guild.
Members of the Druid guild can buy in the charm shops spells and learn spells.
Travel to stranger countries and investigate you these.
Find the black riders and return you the kidnapped king child.

for free download of Die schwarzen Reiter

Screenshots from Die schwarzen Reiter

dsr1 Cover of the retail version of 2000

Cover back dsrr

dsr2 It began everything with the search ... dsr3 .. after mushrooms in the forest.

dsr4 dsr5
But the forest is large and dark and so some secret saves

dsr6 dsr7
A shop for magic things. Journey with the horse ...



and with the ship ... in order to investigate strange places

dsr10 and stranger of countries dsr11 and people

dsr12 dsr13
to explore Who probably destroyed the castle?

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